Prayer is an important part of the following of Jesus.
Jesus taught the Samaritan woman that the days were coming when people would worship in Spirit and in Truth ...
Jesus reveals Himself to be the new Temple; the Cross, His Altar; and His Body, the Lamb of Sacrifice ...
destroy it, and it would be rebuilt in three days!
So it is the Risen Jesus who leads us in prayer, our Intercessor before the Father.
We worship the Father, through the Son and in the Holy Spirit on the Lord's Day, Sunday.
Each Sunday is a celebration of the Resurrection. St. Mary's parish community worships on Sunday at 10am, and an anticipated Sunday Mass is on Saturday at 4pm, both outside in the Mary Shrine & Garden area during the pandemic.
Additionally, we gather on weekdays to celebrate the Eucharist. The schedule can vary by liturgical season, and is found on our home page.
Praying with the Scriptures is part of every Bible Study. We also have an occasional Book Club gathering to discuss a book on the saints or about Christian examples of faith and service.